You can help support the promotion of academic competition in Missouri.

All Missouri academic coaches, as well as those interested in promoting excellence in academic competition, are eligible for membership in MACA.

MACA uses its dues to purchase medals for all-district and all-state teams, to host a state-wide Junior Varsity tournament, and to support Missouri national competition teams. We also provide aid and information to coaches through newsletters and e-mail correspondence. In addition, MACA hosts an informative annual convention each fall.

2005 Missouri Panasonic Team

Submitted by MACA on Thu, 06/30/2005 - 12:00pm

Team Missouri earned a first-round victory against Guam, Vermont, and Iowa, beating its closest opponent by over 100 points.
» Missouri: 276 » Vermont: 173 » Iowa: 84 » Guam: 46

Missouri advanced to the semi-finals against Wisconsin, Louisiana, Alabama, and perennial foe Maryland.