About MACA

MACA Goals

The primary purpose of the Missouri Academic Coaches Association (MACA) is to encourage and further academic competition in the state of Missouri.

  1. MACA supports the Missouri State High School Activities Association in the conduct of the state tournament.
  2. MACA provides all-district and all-state medals to recognize outstanding players.
  3. MACA provides leadership and support to the academic coaches of the state through a state convention, workshops, and information services.
  4. MACA also recognizes the effort of coaches through Coach of the Year awards and a lifetime contribution award.

MACA State Officers

MACA Convention

The annual MACA Convention is a way for coaches to meet and discuss ways to improve Missouri academic competition.

MACA Constitution

The MACA Constitution is available to read online.


Inquiries and communication by e-mail may be made at: moaca@moaca.org.

For suggestions or comments about the website, contact the webmaster.


The website for the Missouri State High School Activities Association may be found at www.mshsaa.org.