
Regular tournaments open to teams of all experience levels.

Events are now maintained on a Google Calendar, so new events will rarely appear on this page.

Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament V

Saturday, October 28, 2017
Hallsville High School
Question Set or Provider
Question Format

Hallsville is pleased to announce the fifth annual Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament to be held October 28th, 2017. This tournament will be run in the twenty tossup/bonus format on the RMBCT set being produced in collaboration between Beavercreek and Richard Montgomery schools. Games consist of twenty tossups worth ten points each followed by non-rebounding bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will feature "powers" (additional points awarded for correct buzzes very early in the question) but no penalty for an incorrect early buzz (no negs).

2017 MSHSAA State Results and All-State Teams

Championship Results

Class 1

State Champion: Thomas Jefferson Independent
2nd Place: Lakeland
3rd Place: Wellsville-Middletown
4th Place: Mound City

Class 2

State Champion: Louisiana
2nd Place: Calvary Lutheran
3rd Place: Bishop LeBlond
4th Place: Thayer

Class 3

State Champion: Savannah
2nd Place: Orchard Farm
3rd Place: Hallsville
4th Place: Cuba

Class 4

State Champion: Washington
2nd Place: Ladue
3rd Place: Hickman
4th Place: St. Joseph Central

The Winter Academic Invitational (TWAIN) at Hannibal High School

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Hannibal High School
Question Set or Provider
to be determined
Question Format
20/20 - No negs, three-part rebounding bonus, powers if the set is marked

To register for this tournament, please visit

This tournament will consist of a minimum of eight games for all teams in a modified national format:

2016 MSHSAA State Results and All-State Teams

Championship Results

Class 1

State Champion: Thomas Jefferson Independent
2nd Place: Columbia Independent
3rd Place: North Andrew
4th Place: Polo

Class 2

State Champion: Calvary Lutheran
2nd Place: Louisiana
3rd Place: College Heights Christian
4th Place: Saxony Lutheran

Class 3

State Champion: Orchard Farm
2nd Place: Priory
3rd Place: Hallsville
4th Place: Springfield Catholic

Class 4

State Champion: Hickman
2nd Place: Ladue
3rd Place: Farmington
4th Place: St. Joseph Central

Truman Bowl VII

Saturday, March 19, 2016
Truman State University ACO
Question Set or Provider
Question Format
20 tossups, 20 bonus

The members of Truman State University’s Academic Competition Organization are proud to host Truman Bowl VII, and invite your team to participate in our tournament, scheduled for March 19th, 2016 on the campus of Truman State University in Kirksville.

Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament III (October 10, 2015)

Saturday, October 10, 2015
Question Set or Provider
NAQT (Set IS-148)
Question Format
20/20 Format

Hallsville is pleased to announce the third annual Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament to be held October 10th, 2015. This tournament will be run in the twenty tossup/bonus format on NAQT Set IS-148. Games consist of twenty tossups worth ten points each followed by non-rebounding bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will feature "powers" (additional points awarded for correct buzzes very early in the question) but no penalty for an incorrect early buzz (no negs).

2016 Outstate Missouri Academic Rendezvous (OMAR)

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Moberly High School, 1625 Gratz Brown Road, Moberly MO 65270
Question Set or Provider
Question Format
NAQT/National - 20 tossups & 20 bonus, powers, no negs

Registration form:

This tournament will consist of a minimum of eight games for all teams in a modified NAQT/national format: