Base fee (first team from each school): $75 (teams will receive a $15 discount if they provide a scorekeeper or moderator)
Second or subsequent teams: $55
Buzzer discount (must work for eight players; limit two per school): -$5
Minimum entry fee: $20
The Missouri Academic Coaches Association (MACA) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the third annual Middle School State Academic Tournament on March 17th at Hallsville High School. This tournament is open to teams of 7th and 8th grade students.
Games will consist of 20 tossups worth ten points each, followed by three-part bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will include powers (extra points for answering a tossup early). The question set for the tournament will be NAQT MS #26.
We anticipate using two full round robins in the morning and afternoon with an advantaged final to decide the champion. We will be limiting each school to two teams (maximum of 6 players per team) and placing any subsequent teams from that school on the waitlist. This will help to ensure that all schools interested in competing have a chance to enter a team. If we do not reach our field cap, then teams from the waitlist will be added to the field in the order that their request was received.