Question Security Reminder
Reminder: Question sets are frequently used at multiple tournaments throughout the state. You are responsible for ensuring that your school attends only one tournament using a particular question set!
Tournaments for less-experienced players, or tournaments that will have a junior varsity division.
Events are now maintained on a Google Calendar, so new events will rarely appear on this page.
Reminder: Question sets are frequently used at multiple tournaments throughout the state. You are responsible for ensuring that your school attends only one tournament using a particular question set!
Games will consist of 20 tossups worth ten points each, followed by three-part rebounding bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will NOT include powers or negs. The questions will be provided by Olympia Academic Competition Questions.
We anticipate using two full round robins in the morning and afternoon with an advantaged final to decide the champion depending on the number of teams registered.
We will host a junior varsity/novice division and a middle school/junior high division. Middle school/junior high programs must be properly registered with MSHSAA in order to participate. There will be no roster restrictions for the MS/JH division; the JV division will have a roster restriction:
All freshmen may compete. NO seniors may compete.
Sophomores who have not competed at HSNCT, SSNCT or PACE NSC may compete.
Juniors who have not previously competed at any 20/20 tournament may compete.
This tournament will consist of a minimum of eight games for all teams in a modified NAQT/national format:
The JV division will have a roster restriction:
Please note the different location.
As Moberly High School is hosting all-district music, MYST will take place at Moberly Middle School, north of the high school building at 920 KWIX Road.
This tournament will consist of a minimum of eight games for all teams in a modified NAQT/national format:
The Missouri Academic Coaches Association (MACA) is pleased to announce that it will be hosting this year's JV State tournament on March 12th at Helias High School. This tournament is open to ALL freshmen and sophomore players (NO juniors or seniors).
Games will consist of 20 tossups worth ten points each, followed by three-part rebounding bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will not include powers or negs. The questions will be provided by Olympia Academic Competition Questions.
As we did last year, first-year sophomore (may not have played at all during freshman year) players may fill out a freshman team that is short of four players. No team shall be a majority of sophomores.
Registration form:
This tournament will consist of a minimum of eight games for all teams in a modified NAQT/national format: