Oakville SCOP Novice

Saturday, November 1, 2014
Oakville Senior High School
Field cap
Fees and discounts

First team from a school: $50
Every subsequent team from a school: $45
Buzzer Discount: $5 per system
Staffer Discount: $10 per staffer
Minimum Fee: $20 per team

Question Set or Provider
SCOP Novice 5
Question Format
20 tossup/bonus with power, negs, and non-rebounding bonuses

The novice tournament will be a mirror of a set produced by the Scholastic Community Outreach Program (SCOP) of Illinois, which is specially written to appeal to newer or inexperienced players. This tournament is using the same question set as Tuscumbia's Invitational on January 17, 2015, so teams may not register for both tournaments. Each round will consist of 20 tossup questions with 20 3-part bonuses should a team answer a tossup correctly. The tournament will use 15-point "powers" (reward for an early enough buzz), along with -5 point "negs" (penalty should a player buzz in during the question and answer incorrectly). Bonuses will not rebound. There is no computational math in the SCOP Novice Tournament set.

The tournament, since it is a novice set, will have eligibility restrictions. These restrictions are basically the same as Oakville's previous novice tournaments:

  • All freshmen can play.
  • Sophomores can play if they did not score more than 15 points per game at either NAQT HSNCT or PACE NSC in their freshman year.
  • Juniors can play if this is their first year of quizbowl.
  • No seniors can play.
Contact Name
Christina Whelehon