First team from a school: $65
Additional teams from the same school: $60 per team
Buzzer system discount*: -$5 per system per team, up to $20 off.
Staffer discounts: -$5 per team that brings a scorekeeper, and -$15 for each experienced moderator a team brings. This can be a coach, parent, or any other person attending who isn’t playing. We will provide the scorekeeper with a lunch. For both the staff discounts, we need to know about your plans to bring staff before the tournament, and we reserve the right to not take you up on your staff and their discount.
This tournament will be using NAQT Invitational Series #140. This tournament was originally assigned IS-138, but swapped sets with the Hallsville Fall Academic Tournament.
The University of Missouri Quizbowl Club is pleased to announce that we are planning on hosting our seventh annual Missouri Fall Academic Tournament on October 18th, 2014. The tournament will be co-directed by Avery Wagner and myself, Itamar Naveh-Benjamin.
We will be using an Invitational Series set written by National Academic Quiz Tournaments, and we will use the same game format as last year (20 tossups with 30 point rebounding bonuses, and tossups will have -5 point penalties for an early buzz that is incorrect, and powers, or an extra 5 points for a correct early buzz). These are the same style of questions that NAQT will be using in the MSHSAA State Championship.