Missouri State Bear Bowl

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Missouri State University
Fees and discounts

first team from each school: $55
second team: $50
third and each subsequent team: $40

Discounts: - $5 for each working buzzer system brought (limit three per school)

Question Set or Provider
Mirror of University of Georgia's Classic City Classic
Question Format
20 tossup/bonus

NOTE: This tournament was rescheduled from 1/30/2010 due to inclement weather.

Missouri State University will be hosting a varsity academic tournament on Saturday, February 20, 2010. This tournament will be a mirror of the Classic City Classic set written by the quiz bowl team at the University of Georgia, and games will consist of twenty tossups worth ten points each and bonuses worth thirty points each. Tentatively, the top two teams in the field will qualify for the PACE NSC. Each team will be guaranteed at least nine matches.

Contact Name
Jason Loy