Base fee (first team from each school): $75 (teams will receive a $15 discount if they provide a scorekeeper or moderator)
Second or subsequent teams: $55
Buzzer discount (must work for eight players; limit two per school): -$5
Minimum entry fee: $20
Games will consist of 20 tossups worth ten points each, followed by three-part rebounding bonuses worth up to thirty points. Tossups will NOT include powers or negs. The questions will be provided by Olympia Academic Competition Questions.
We anticipate using two full round robins in the morning and afternoon with an advantaged final to decide the champion depending on the number of teams registered.
Plaques will be awarded to the top two overall finishers and the top two small schools (under 500 enrollment in grades 10-12, public, nonselective). Large and small schools will play in the same division.