base fee (first team from each school): $55
second or subsequent teams: $50
travel discount (100 miles or more one way): -$5 per team
buzzer discount (must work for eight players; limit three discounts per school): -$5
Tuscumbia High School will be hosting an academic tournament for students in the 8th grade and below on November 8, 2014. We will be running two divisions, one for 7th/8th grade teams from MSHSAA-affiliated schools and one for students in the sixth grade or below. If there is sufficient demand, we will consider opening a third division for 7th/8th grade teams from non-MSHSAA affiliated schools. The hard cap on team size is eight players; we request that you limit teams to six players so as to maximize playing time for all students. As of now, the field cap will be set at 18 teams for the 7th/8th grade division and at 12 teams for the 6th grade and under division. We will consider expanding the cap given sufficient interest and sufficient staff.
This tournament will use NAQT's MS-11 question set for all divisions. Games in the 7th/8th grade division will consist of twenty ten-point tossups and up to twenty three-part, thirty-point rebounding bonuses. Games in the 6th grade and under division will consist of sixteen ten-point tossups and up to sixteen three-part, thirty point rebounding bonuses. I will slightly modify the questions for the latter division to make them more accessible for younger players. All teams will be guaranteed at least seven matches regardless of performance.