Fees for the tournament will be $60 per team.
The Missouri Academic Coaches Association (MACA) would like to announce that the annual Missouri State Junior Varsity Quiz Bowl Tournament will be held on the campus of Helias High School on Saturday, April 10, 2010. This is a new central location and Helias has graciously agreed to host the tournament. MACA hopes that this will allow many more schools to compete especially those from the eastern side of the state since travel times will no longer be so long or require an overnight trip.
As before a successful tournament requires teamwork from everyone. We will need many workers if the tournament is to go smoothly. Please plan to bring either a moderator or a scorekeeper and a set of buzzers.
Fees for the tournament will be $60 per team. Please make your purchase orders and checks payable to MACA.
If you are not a member of MACA we encourage you to join at this time. MACA dues pay for district and state medals for both JV and Varsity teams.
To register contact Susan Sheeley at either ssheeley@salem.k12.mo.us or 573-729-6641.
Large school champion: Kirksville
Small school champion: Savannah
Overall championship: Kirksville 530, Savannah 450