Moberly Young Scholars Tournament (MYST) - Novice/JV Division

Saturday, November 5, 2016
Moberly Middle School
Field cap
8 (subject to expansion)
Fees and discounts

First team: $65
Additional teams (including teams in the middle school division): $60
Discount for travelling more than 100 miles each way (determined by Google Maps): $10
Discount for providing a working buzzer set: $5 (maximum $10 per school)
Discount for providing competent staff: $5 per staffer (maximum $10 per school)
All discounts are subject to the discretion of tournament officials.

Question Set or Provider
HSAPQ Novice
Question Format

The JV division will have a roster restriction:

  • All freshmen may compete. NO seniors may compete.
  • Sophomores who have not competed at HSNCT, SSNCT or PACE NSC may compete.
  • Juniors who have not previously competed at any 20/20 tournament may compete.

Please note the different location.
As Moberly High School is hosting all-district music, MYST will take place at Moberly Middle School, north of the high school building at 920 KWIX Road.

This tournament will consist of a minimum of seven games for all teams in a modified national format:

  • Each game shall consist of two halves of ten tossups each, with each correct tossup followed by a three-part bonus.
  • Correct tossup answers are ten points each. No powers or negs will be assessed.
  • Unless otherwise specified in a bonus set, each bonus part shall be ten points each. Incorrect bonus parts shall immediately rebound.
  • MSHSAA timing rules shall apply with the following exceptions:
    • Teams shall receive only five seconds to answer a bonus. Moderators will be instructed to prompt after four seconds.
    • In the event of math calculation tossups and bonus, they shall receive ten seconds instead of 15.
  • In the event a game is tied after regulation, additional tossups shall be read until the next change in score.
  • Each team shall have one 60-second and one-30 second timeout per game. Teams may substitute at the half, prior to overtime, or during any timeout called by either team. However, coaches may not confer with their players during a 30-second timeout.
  • Teams may play with fewer than four players. Rosters shall be submitted in advance and finalized at registration the morning of the tournament. Players may not change teams during the tournament.

At present, we are limiting each division to eight teams, with an eye to expand each division as staff becomes available. Additional teams will be placed on a waitlist and contacted should an opening occur. During the initial registration period we will limit schools to one team per division. If you are able to field additional teams, please let us know and we will place them on the waitlist. Should multiple teams from your school be admitted, we ask that each of your teams’ rosters be limited to seven players.

Contact Name
Kyle Hill and Kathy Brandon