Marshall Freshman/Novice Tournament

Saturday, January 24, 2015
Marshall High School
Field cap
24 teams
Fees and discounts

$50 for first team; $45 for second team

Question Set or Provider
Questions written by Marshall varsity players.
Question Format
Round 1--toss-ups (10pts each); Round 2--lightning round; Round 3--toss-ups with five 3-part bonuses (all questions 10 pts each); Round 4--team worksheet (20 questions at 10 pts each); Round 5--remaining toss-ups from Round 3 at 20 pts each

This tournament is usually only for freshman players, but this year we're allowing junior high teams to enter and first-year sophomore (may not have played at all during freshman year) players may fill out a freshman team that is short of four players. No team shall be a majority of sophomores.

Although the format of the game is altered, MSHSAA rules will be followed, excepting the need to have four players. A team may be comprised of fewer than four.

Four games will be played before a lunch break (lunch not provided). Top eight teams advance to a winners' bracket following lunch, but all teams are encouraged to stay for the practice of the final three games.

1st-4th place trophies and medals for high scorers (first four games) will be awarded at the end of the tournament.

Contact Name
Audrey Connor