St. Louis U. High Junior Varsity

Saturday, March 6, 2010
Frank Corley -- St. Louis U. High
Field cap
Fees and discounts

$60 per team, $10 discount for buzzer systems, $10 discount for travel of more than 100 miles.

Question Set or Provider
Our Varsity team will be writing the questions.
Question Format
Twenty Questions each with non-rebounding bonus.

This will be a sixteen team tournament for freshmen and sophomores. Each team may have one junior with little or no varsity experience. Morning will consist of three matches and all teams will advance to the afternoon for three more championship or consolation bracket matches, so there will be lots of competition for younger players. We are still discussing the format but are considering a shortened format, similar but not exactly the same as NAQT. Our varsity players will write the questions. Fees: $60, with a $10 discount for a buzzer system and a $10 discount for travel more than one hundred miles.

Contact Name
Frank Corley